Let’s Talk Kids has partnered with the African American Babies Coalition and Jackie Levin & The Power of Possibility to create a learning kit to develop the minds and brains of children and their caregivers. It is entitled “Me and My Baby-Building Bag, For Growing Minds and Brains.”
The kit contains:
- 40 activities to build a child’s brain (written by award-winning Early Childhood/ Parent Educators to match the national early indicators of progress)
- 26 affirmation cards to be used with adults, infants, toddlers, children and families
- 6 parenting best practices messages developed by the African American Babies Coalition
- 5 stacking cups
- 5 sign language flashcards
- 4 color flashcards
- 3 shape flashcards
- 1 blank flashcard to write your child’s name
- 1 baby mirror
- 1 mesh see-thru bag for children to create wonder and want to play with what is inside of the bag